
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A funny thing happened...

Last Monday I started Karen Walrond's Pathfinder class.

I am a huge fan. She wrote the most beautiful book, The Beauty of Different. Her words, her pictures, her spirit are stunningly beautiful. 

Well, the weird thing is, I have a REALLY hard time writing. It is not something that comes easily for me. One blogger I read regularly compared it to pacing outside a cave, wringing her hands, torturing herself to just get the words out.



Part of the class is keeping a journal. We are supposed to write at least two pages each day. Morning pages they are called.

So for a week now, I have been writing in a bright red journal.

It has been so much easier and pleasant than I thought it would be. It is so refreshing to have an outlet without pressure that I have neglected writing here.

Don't get me wrong, things have been going on around here. It just isn't earth-shattering. Which is good, but it is kind of boring. For a blog entry.

So, here it is, my boring little life, put on display.

Last week, I made this recipe from King Arthur

The great thing about this one? You can make it into something sweet or savory, depending on your mood or what you have in your pantry.

Oh, if you can get one of these little numbers to help you out? Yeah, that is awesome too.

Yes cooking with my children is messy.

Yes it takes longer.

But I want them to love cooking and baking. I want them to have a passion for it the way I do. I want them to be fearless and embrace the challenge of a new recipe or technique.

The only way to do that is to share this with them now.

The other surprise?

It forces me to slow down and enjoy the journey.

This version had butter, parmesan cheese, and garlic powder.

You cut the dough into discs, butter half of each disc with your mixture (sweet or savory), fold it in half and place in the loaf pan with the flat edge on the bottom. Once you have about half stacked in the loaf pan, you are ready to bake.

And you get this. Twice. Two loaves of fragrant, cheesy bread.

And then, if you completely lack self-control (like me), you make a sweet version the very next day.

I used butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. After baking you get this amazing deep brown loaf with carmelized loveliness on the bottom of the pan (please don't waste it, you will regret it for the 
rest of your life).

Yeah, I will definitely be making these again.

The Petri Dish

Lorna Doone Redux