
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Sleep deprivation: A lifestyle

Let's see, I was finally able to fall asleep after 9 pm. Which would not be a problem if Grand Master H hadn't started is festival of nightmares at 2:53 am.

He came to get me again at 3:09 am.

And again at 3:23.

Famous Baby C woke up at 4:15.

Not long after that, H came down sobbing after having another bad dream about a girl who was stuck in the dirt.

I am officially a zombie.

If you see me today, I suggest you run. Run fast and run far. Coffee can't fix everything!

P.S. I tried the Snickerdoodle Coffee from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. It tastes like ass. Don't bother. I will be camped outside Trader Joe's, nose pressed on glass, waiting for Gingerbread Coffee to make its triumphant return.

My first guest post!

Another date night and another prompt