
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Saturday at Big Corona: Part 3

Mr. Smith decided he wanted to head out into the high surf on his own.

Both children were VERY UNHAPPY with his decision.
I was too, but luckily, no one was taking my picture.

They both tried pleading, begging, and eventually threw themselves on the sand in protest.

It didn't work.

Off he went.

While I was taking pictures of the children. Mr. Smith got hit by a pretty big wave.

By the time I turned the camera on back on him, this was all I could see of my
dear husband.

I won't lie.

I was I little concerned.

I was not the only one.

The oldest child was concerned about his Dada's safety.

I was too, considering that Mr. Smith is over 6 feet tall and these waves are quite a bit taller than he is.

After this, both children were completely exhausted and were more than ready to head home.

I did not argue. I figured it was better to get Mr. Smith out of there before something terrible happened.

Archie is 9

Speak to me of peanut butter