
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Picture the Holidays - December 2

Reframing the Season

We were asked to take a different look at the season.

"There will be good days and bad but the gist is to look at this holiday season a little differently."

Yesterday our darling neighbor, Esther, mentioned how beautiful our tree looked from outside the house.

It occurred to me that she is spending her first Christmas without her dear husband, Joe. They had been married for well over 40 years. 

Joe was such a sweet man. He is so missed.

He loved Archie so much. Archie still stares at their garage door and I would almost swear he is waiting for Joe to open it and tell Archie is such a handsome, tough guy.

It made me realize that we are blessed, despite some of the stuff we are dealing with, we are truly blessed. 

We are all still here, we have each other and that is 
not something that can be wrapped and put under a tree.

Anyway, I took the photo in the evening from our front walk.

Naturally, Mr. Big Time had to get in the shot. He wanted to be on the intarwebs too!

Picture the Holidays - December 3

Dog with a love for the white stuff