
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Chicken or Egg?

Does being a reality show star make you stupid or are you stupid because you 
want to me a reality show star?

Perhaps you missed the ridiculous story of these two blithering idiots.
I don't blame you. They are both extra stupid.

Remember a couple of years ago when they crashed a White House event?

And then got a gig on The Real Housewives of D.C.?

Yeah, me too.

Over the last two years, they have ended up engaged in lawsuits with his family (they apparently own a vineyard in Northern Virginia, who knew there were vineyards in Virginia). Apparently, his family settles family problems with legal action. 

Not that I am throwing stones. Mr. Smith's delightful mother has been known to do the very same thing!

However, these folks seem to feel that leading a life that is not filmed is not worth living at all.

So last I heard they were moving to Los Angeles in a desperate bid to get a gig on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (you know, the one that stars the wife of the guy who committed suicide rather than witness the horror of his life splattered all over Bravo).

Oh yeah, they were also desperate to get Michaele (yup, special spelling and all) pregnant. 

Well, Michaele came up with an awesome plan to get knocked up.

She decided to interview sperm donors, on a tour bus, in Memphis, and not tell her husband.

Her mouth-breathing husband became distraught (you know, for the camera) when his lovely, naturally blonde wife missed her extremely important hair appointment and dance lesson and lied about her plans to visit her mother.

Turns out, the lovely lady decided that Neil Schon (yup, from Journey) was more fun and could really "complete her" in a way that her husband simply couldn't. It has to be his completely non-sexy face he makes while playing guitar.

In other unrelated news, Tareq Salahi is auctioning off winemaking junk this weekend.

Probably saving for a Fender Stratocaster and guitar lessons.

Happy Birthday to YOU!

Archie is 9