
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Picture the Holidays - December 15

The prompt: Got Gifts?

We were tasked with creating some tags, using our photos, for gifts.

I had a really hard time with this. The printer was giving me fits, like it does every Christmas.

Mr. Smith was too busy to help me with my ongoing technical problems.

I had to hitch up my imaginary skirt and do it myself. And, to my surprise, I did!


The tag I finally printed was REALLY dark.

So, even when the damn printer works, it makes photos insanely dark.



Do I created a few images that I will use for tags.

It occurred to me that it might be cute to use photos of the children to label their gifts. No confusion and they love to see photos of themselves.

I guess the big question is, will the printer behave long enough for me to get
this project done?

Only time will tell.

Royal Frosting and my babies

Picture the Holidays - December 14